Upcycling or Recycle — Update Blog WK-1
Upcycling or upcycled the result won’t be the same objective of the material that you brought. For example, the old t-shirt can upcycle to be a tote bag by cut the sleeve out and sew the bottom part. Giving a new life to old pieces has more value. But in terms of recycling, it a little bit of difference. The old t-shirt will change to be a fabric to produce a t-shirt again.

I collected the leather when every time I cut from the roll, to recycle product from that in the experiment. Drawing to get the 2 dimensions visual and then try to make the 3 dimensions. Some are use hand-sewing and tools, some use the machine. It gave me a different feeling of work. In some parts, sewing by hand it is easier than a machine. By hand, it can go many sewing techniques and more neat but machine it hard to sew some part but it creates a perfect line.